When you’re investing significant time, money, and emotional energy building or renovating, you want to know your builder has the skills, experience, and proven process to deliver. While many builders may be okay on the tools, they lack the business disciplines to deliver without defects or delays. As a result, customers complain of:
Delays that leave them uncertain, unable to plan, and thousands worse off in rent and other living expenses
Defects that add further delays and compromise the finish (and sometimes even the structural integrity) of your home
Variations that can unpredictably add thousands to the price, leaving you with uncomfortable conversations, and potential financial stress
Inconsistent communication (not returning phone calls and emails) that leaves you uncertain about where things are up to
And a mediocre (or worse) final result that leaves you with a lingering feeling of disappointment.
This need not be your experience. Our 3-generation family business has 27 years of local construction experience and a proven process to deliver the exact home, renovation, or extension you want – on time, on budget, and without any nasty surprises.
Step 1
Discovery Session
After a brief phone conversation where we will answer your preliminary questions, we will book a Discovery Session to dive into the specifics of your project. This will be with either Michael Warrington – the owner of the company or Kara Westlake his daughter, again by phone. Either Michael or Kara will help you clarify your ideas and give you a plan going forward of timing for your custom build. There is no cost or obligation for this session. We will best clarify what is needed before any agreements are discussed.
Step 2
Design Session
With your confirmation of a Concept Plan Agreement (approx. fee $5k+) we will help you to refine your ideas and get them on paper to see if your project is workable. We take time to understand your vision, collaborate with designers, and add our 27 years of experience to help you get the exact outcome you want in the most efficient and affordable way. We will create initial sketches including your wish list of concepts, based on these preliminary plans we can help qualify a budget with a third party software. Proceeding this step is the full plan design with a PBA.
Step 3
Construction Drawings/PBA
With your confirmation of a Preliminary Building Agreement (approx.. fee $10-$15k+) we will create Construction Drawings and engage professional services including Soil Testing, Engineering, Energy Reporting, and Interior Design. With this detailed information we can create a qualified budget with a fair, fixed price guarantee.
Step 4
Contract Proposal
At this stage in the process all the preliminary building agreement elements are completed and ready for review. The proposal is ready, and you will receive your guaranteed fixed price for construction of your dream home.
Step 5
Guaranteed Slot Date
During your Contract Proposal review meeting we will confirm your guaranteed start date. Slotting into our company build schedule gives clarity so everyone can plan effectively and prepare for construction of your new home.
Step 6
Building Program
Site preparation (including demolition if necessary) gets your property ready for foundations, slab, and brickwork. Then comes the frame, roof, and exterior of your home including doors and windows.
It’s time to move inside with rough in of electrical, heating/cooling and plumbing, wall linings, fit off of bathrooms and kitchens, painting, floor coverings, and final electrical and finishes to complete your dream home. As we want you to see the progress of your new home during construction, we will schedule on-site construction progress walks. Generally in line with our progress payment claims nominated in your contract.
Step 7
Michael personally inspects every inch of your home and fixes any imperfections. He then takes you through the home to ensure everything is just right. With your confirmation, he will present you with a Celebration Handover Kit that includes instructions and the keys to your home.
We will continue to support you and respond to warranty requests in the first 3 months and a full 12 months later.